Sales, marketing, trade, and logistics
Reliable distribution partner in the Baltic States
About us
Our company Sakalas, UAB, was founded in 1991. We started our business in the import and wholesale sectors, working with world-renowned companies such as STORCK, HENKEL, RECKITT BENCKISER, DILMAH and many others. Sakalas is currently one of the strongest distribution service providers in the Baltic region. We pride ourselves on our professional team, the quality of our services and our well-developed distribution system.
In 2015, the company became a partner of the distribution alliance D.A.LIS. The alliance consists of three distribution companies – “Sakalas” in Lithuania, “Leversa” in Latvia and “Interaltus” in Estonia.
years of experience
Baltic countries
branches in Lithuania

What does the Sakalas mean to us?
The name of our company “Sakalas” that is a falcon in Lithuanian reflects many characteristics that allow us to describe the company itself. The falcon is not only very intelligent, but also very agile and fast. Just like a falcon, a business needs to make smart and quick decisions. In our view, the distribution and sales market has similarities with wildlife conditions.
In our business environment, good hunting skills and tactical abilities are necessary in order to stand out and lead the market. We believe that there are always opportunities in difficulties. With good analytical and tactical skills, plus competent staff, we can make sure that we offer our clients the highest quality of service.
Our strengths
- Professional services that meet the expectations of each client
- Innovation application to work processes, flexible and quick response to market changes
- Attracting new customers and partners, maintaining long-term and close relationships
Transparent and honest dealings with customers, partners, employees, and competitors